In an effort to remain transparent to our community, the Medicine Hat Police Service would like the provide the public with a clear understanding of any disciplinary hearings that take place within our Service.
Professional Conduct Hearings are held, for a variety of misconduct allegations, under the Police Act and the Police Service Regulation of Alberta. The different kinds of misconduct allegations are described in Section 5 of the Police Service Regulation.
Generally speaking, if a misconduct charge is directed by the Chief to a hearing, there are many different types of appearances that could be scheduled, such as a first appearance, plea, preliminary applications, or reasons for decision.
Not all matters will progress in the same manner. For example, evidence may be presented as an agreed statement of facts in one hearing, but in another, witnesses may have to be called to testify. Sometimes a decision may be given at the end of the presentation of evidence, or the reasons for a decision may be set over to another date.
Unless otherwise Ordered, Professional Conduct Hearings are open to the public and media. If you wish to attend, please note that no food or drink is allowed in the hearing room. Recording devices and cameras also are not permitted. All hearings are held in the Community Boardroom of the Medicine Hat Police Service building, located at 884 – 2 St SE, unless otherwise posted.
Upcoming Hearings:
This matter has been adjourned.
On April 1, 2025 at 9:00 am the Medicine Hat Police Service will be holding a Hearing relating to file #24-005. An officer is facing multiple counts of discreditable conduct and neglect of duty, along with one count of deceit. This hearing is scheduled for the entering of a plea to these charges.
*Please note that the above information is subject to change.