Police Information Checks

To apply for a Police Information Check online - click here

     Costs and Payment Options     
     Other Services Available     
     Questions and Answers     
     Download the Brochure and Forms


What is a Police Information Check?

A Police Information Check (PIC), is a detailed criminal and police history, or a confirmation of the absence of any information, based on the personal information provided.  The results will be provided on a Medicine Hat Police Service (MHPS) certificate letter.  This check is based solely on Canada-wide information.



What Systems Are Searched For PIC's?

The MHPS uses three search mechanisms: 


  • Versadex - Local records of the Applicant’s involvement with the MHPS
  • J.O.I.N. - the Alberta court system (Justice Online Information Network)
  • C.P.I.C. -the Canadian Police Information Center system and RCMP National repository in Ottawa  

This Police Information Check only provides information found at the time of the check, on the above listed systems.  The MHPS does not guarantee completeness of the information, as we are limited to information available on these systems.  This check does not include information found in any other jurisdiction’s local police information systems; nor does it include court information of any other province(s), except convictions registered on the National Repository for Canada. 


Requirements To Obtain a PIC 

Please note that Vulnerable Sector Searches will only be completed for local residents.  If you are not a Medicine Hat resident you need to contact the police agency in your local area.


Individuals over the age of 18 years may apply online here or may attend in person to the MHPS, 884 2nd Street SE, Medicine Hat, Alberta.  Individuals under the age of 18 years must apply in person. 

Two pieces of government identification must be provided, including both name and date of birth, such as:

One Picture I.D. such as Provincial Drivers Licence, Passport, Citizenship Card, Motor Vehicles Registry Photo ID card, Native Status Card or PALS. 


One other I.D. such as Birth Certificate, Alberta Health Care Card, or Immigration Documents.  (Social Insurance Cards are not acceptable as they do not include date of birth)

Volunteers do not receive wages, compensation, goods or services.  Course acceptance, work, field or practicum placements do not qualify as volunteers.

Police Information Check Disclosures 

Criminal Records - Adult and Youth (includes  indictable, dual procedure and summary conviction offences) 
Pending and outstanding charges 
Outstanding warrants for arrest Canada-wide 
Police Files / Information Reports 


Relevant occurrences* 

Records of not criminally responsible by reasons of Mental Disorder pursuant to s. 16(1)cc (disclosed if relevant)*
Judicial Orders while in effect: probations, prohibitions, peace bonds**, restraining orders and recognizance conditions
Vulnerable Sector Records (pardoned sex offender) 
Stay of Proceedings for one year period** 
Absolute Discharges for one year period** 
Conditional Discharges for three year period** 
Alternative Measures for one year period***

 *relevancy refers to the protection of persons, property and any information that could cause an individual or organization, concerns for the safety of individuals, employees or volunteers. 
**period commences from the date of sentencing 
***period commences from court confirmation of disposition completion


Please note: The online Police Information Check accepts various forms of payments including debit cards.  However, some debit cards may not work.  It is recommended to pay with credit card.

**See below fee table for other services**


How Long Will Processing Take?

Under normal circumstances, your Police Information Check Certificate will be available from the MHPS in 7 business days.  (This includes the intake day.) However, during peak times processing time may be longer. 



Where Else Can a PIC Be Obtained?

In Medicine Hat, the Medicine Hat Police Station, located at 884 2nd Street SE, is the only location at this time.  Out of town residents must obtain their PIC at a local police agency in the area where they reside. 

Will My PIC Information Be Sent To Other Agencies? 

No.  All Police Information Checks will be disclosed by way of certificate directly to the applicant at our office.  Any questions and concerns will be answered fully at the time of the disclosure. 



What Other Services are available? 

Service  Fees 
Police Information Checks – All Including . Business & Pawn Shop License .
Taxis License . Pardons . US Waiver . Immigration . Private Investigators
and Security Guards . Locksmith Licensing 

$65 (GST exempt) online applications

$75 (GST exempt) in person

Police Information Checks for Practicum Students

$50 (GST exempt) online applications

$60 (GST exempt) in person

Reclaimed name under Truth & Reconciliation Commission Call to Action 17

FREE (must produce a secure certificate of Indian Status (Status Card) and complete the Reclaimed Name Eligibiltiy For Free Waiver form below

Police Information Checks – Volunteers do not receive wages, compensation,
goods or services. Course acceptance, work, field or practicum placements do
not qualify as volunteers 


$15 (GST exempt)

For persons applying at the front counter – volunteer letter from the agency is required – dated not longer than two weeks from the date of application and pen and ink signature from an agency representative

LiveScan submissions (required when unable to clear vulnerable sector search)  $25 (GST exempt)
Fingerprinting physical copy $50 per set (GST exempt)
Fingerprinting electronic copy $75 per set (GST exempt)
Police Collision Reports and/or Data Reports  $40 (plus GST) 
Police Photographs  $50 (plus GST) 
Police Videos  $50 (plus GST) 
Traffic Analyst/Reconstruction Report – Final Report $2,360 (plus GST) 
Traffic Analyst/Reconstruction Report – Rough Draft  $200 (plus GST) 
Escort Services – Background inquiry - Not available online. $75 (plus GST) 
Extra Duty Police Officers ($120.00 deposit required)  $120 per hour/per officer (plus GST) 
Moving Permits Where police vehicle required (Minimum 3 hours and 2 vehicles)  $110 per hour/per vehicle (plus GST) 


***No refunds provided*** 


Medicine Hat Police Service
884 2nd Street SE
Medicine Hat, Alberta 

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm 

Police Information Coordinator:
phone: 403-502-8916 

Questions and Answers

 What does it mean if my Certificate is stamped with “Please note that the Medicine Hat Police Service does not have access to Police Records in some jurisdiction(s) that this individual has resided in during the previous five years"

A- The application form that you complete will ask for your current address, and any other location that you have resided in for the past 5 years.   The stamp is an indicator that that Medicine Hat Police Service does not have access to background information in some jurisdictions.  

Q- What if I need more than one Certified Certificate? 

A- At regular fee costs, you are entitled to one Certificate at the time you make the application.  If you require numerous copies for resume’ purposes, photo copy the Certificate and instruct the organization that the original is available for review. 


Q-  What is a Vulnerable Sector Records search? 
A-  When a person receives a record suspension, their criminal convictions are sealed and not available, even to Police and the Courts.  The only exception is for sexual offence convictions that are contained within the record suspension.  During a Vulnerable Sector Records search, if the applicant has the same gender and date of birth as an individual(s) whose information is contained within the Vulnerable Sector database, police will only be notified that there is a matter of interest that may assist in the screening of the applicant.  The applicant will be asked to provide their fingerprints so that an electronic search can be completed.  If the applicant has received a pardon for a sexual offence, the RCMP must then seek approval from the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General for permission to notify the police of the match.  Once the police have been notified, they would speak with the applicant and ask them to sign a consent form to notify the agency they are wanting to work for of this past occurrence.

Q- Will I be required to provide my fingerprints in order to get a vulnerable sector check?
A- Only cases where the applicants gender and birth date match that of someone who has received a record suspension.  In this case, fingerprints are submitted electronically so they can be checked against the individuals in the secure data base.  Results of this check will be reported back to the Police Service.  The fingerprints are used for comparison purposes only and are destroyed when the check is completed.


Click below to download the Brochure and Forms

Alberta Police Information Check Disclosure Procedures

Reclaimed Name Eligibility For Fee Waiver form